Wii Classic Controller

Monday, December 21, 2009

Wii Classic Controller

Wii Classic Controller

By C. R. Vandenheuvel (Hudsonville, MI United States) - reviews

For all the people saying that a wireless GameCube controller is a better purchase ... I'm wondering, have you tried Super Mario World with the GameCube controller yet?

It's unplayable. I have both and I tried to play 2-player SMW. The classic controller of course works perfectly, but the GameCube one is awful. Here's why: SMW requires you to do running jumps over pits. That means you hold Y and press B to jump. Y and B are right next to each other on the classic controller, but on the GameCube controller, there is an enormous A button almost directly between them. You have to bend your thumb at a weird angle to hit B and Y but not A, because if you hit A you will do a spin jump and probably fall in the pit.

So really, one of the best Virtual Console games out right now does not work well with the GameCube controller ... the classic controller is great and works well with all of the games. (That's what it was made for, you know)


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